Police have arrested another suspect in the case of the homicide of a 15-year-old girl at a local restaurant.

According to a news release from the Youngstown Police Department,  Saun Peterson has been arrested for his alleged role in a shooting that killed 15-year-old Amya Monserrat on April 15. 

Peterson, who was arrested Wednesday evening in Columbus on a charge of complicity to commit murder, will have an extradition hearing within ten days to be brought back to Mahoning County.

He was scheduled for arraignment in Franklin County Municipal Court Thursday morning and was being held without bond at the Franklin County Corrections Center.

Another suspect, 16-year-old Legend Pless, also known as Danyo Ryan Sellers, is being held in the Juvenile Justice Center on three counts of attempted murder and one count of murder. 

Each of the four counts is a felony with special consideration given to the fact that the incident is classified as a "drive-by shooting." With these counts also comes the possibility of juvenile life.