Girard mayor-elect lays out priorities, vision for first term

"Before we start talking about making plans, we have to assess where we're at."
Despite taking a measured approach to assuming the role of Girard mayor in January, Mark Zuppo says he won't be wasting time either.
He's already planning assessments of city resources, meetings with personnel, and finding ways to make immediate impacts.
One way in his mind - summer and winter recreation opportunities.
"Opening up the lake and hiring someone to run our fishing program up at the lakes and get that going," he said.
Zuppo, a former police officer and council member, has ideas for Girard's neighborhoods and the downtown.
His approach centers on civic pride.
While Girard is proud of its police force, Zuppo may have his eye on its speed camera program.
"My plan is not to just cut it off," he said. "I want to see if we can't develop a plan where we hit some benchmarks, and if we can grow our revenue by attracting new businesses, then the less we need the traffic camera money."
Zuppo wants to work with police bargaining units to continue to attract top-notch officers.
He also hopes to bring back the city's own ambulance service, and a grocery store in town.
With those hopes, Zuppo promises, will come an open mind.
"One of my best attributes is my ability to spot a good idea. It does not have to be my idea."