In a 21 News exclusive interview, Sydney Canty sat down with the mother of 15-year-old Amya Monserrat, who was shot and killed on April 15 at a Sweet 16 party at Martha Boulevard Tavern.

"I told her and her friend, I said if anything happens ya'll need to run to me," said Jaismin Morris, Monserrat's mother. "Don't run that way, don't run this way, like run to me," she said.

Those would be Jaismin Morris' last words to her daughter and now, her heart is in pieces as she's forced to endure the violent loss of Monserrat.

Morris said she just wanted to allow her daughter to enjoy being a teen so she let her go to the party, but she stuck around in case anything went wrong.

"She knew I was always gonna be there to protect her," Morris said.

After the gunfire, Monserrat heeded her mother's last words and ran to Morris' car. Monserrat had actually made it there safely, but moments later was caught in the crossfire.

"I'm so devastated, she can't experience a driver's license, getting married, a graduation, you know what I mean," Morris said.

Now, all that's left are Morris' memories of her daughter and how she loved to cook, travel and spend time with her.

"She was such an amazing, amazing young lady," Morris said. "She was perfect, to me," she said.

Morris doesn't want her daughter's death to be in vain.

"My daughter was a giver," said Morris. "When you google Amya Monserrat, I don't want you to see you know, her being gunned down, I want her foundation to say that they gave back to a child, gave back in some sort of manner," she said.

Morris said her message to the shooters is that they won't get away with this.

"It's unfortunate that you would pick a time to be so messy when kids is having fun," said Morris. "That was stupid and you will pay for what you did to my daughter," she said.

If you'd like to donate to the go fund set up to start the Amya Monserrat Foundation or help with funeral costs, HERE is a link. For the celebration of life details, click HERE.

Police are still asking for more witnesses to come forward as the investigation is ongoing.