Community weighs in on Canfield Local Schools facility master plan options

Getting the community involved to hear taxpayers' feedback on the master plan options aimed to improve the Canfield School district's facilities.
As district officials continue to narrow in on which Master Plan it wants to adopt, hundreds of parents, teachers, and stakeholders learned more about the options Tuesday. Officials tell 21 News it's just another step closer to seeing a newly improved district.
Canfield Local Schools has it narrowed down to three master plan options to improve the district's facilities. The focus remains on putting middle school-aged students in a new facility as the current Canfield Village Middle School turns 100 this year.
"I grew up in Canfield and went to this school from kindergarten through 12th grade," explained Bruce Neff, Councilman with Canfield City Council. "So this breaks my heart if I were to see this demolished. So, I hope to see this as a community center."
From consolidating the elementary schools into a K-4, K-6 or maybe a K-8 school, building an entirely separate middle school, and making those needed renovations to the high school, district officials took the time to educate taxpayers on the plans and get their thoughts.
"The big thing I like, to be very honest with you is, having all of our elementary kids together under one roof," explained Joe Knoll, Superintendent of Canfield Local Schools.
"It's one of the biggest things I struggle with here in Canfield as class sizes having two different elementary," he said.
Out of the narrowed-down master plans, the cheapest option is hovering around $91 million with the most expensive close to $109 million.
"I like the K-4 idea," Neff said. "Maybe expanding part of the Junior High to the High School. I know they looked extensively to extend that campus."
A facilities committee made up of community members, district staff, administrators and board members narrowed down the master plan options.
"We are able to get feedback and input from everyone as well as understand what the priority needs and wants were," explained Nader Atway, Vice President of the Canfield School Board, "which allowed us to come together today with the three master plans we're presenting."
Knoll is hoping a decision is made by summertime to put the plan on the November ballot. 21 News spoke with several parents and teachers present at Tuesday's open house and the majority said they do not know enough about the plans to give an interview on their opinion.
Canfield is an ELP district, meaning taxpayers are responsible for the cost initially but over time they could get about 16% back from the state.
The committee plans to meet Thursday to discuss the feedback they received. They plan to get a plan together to present to the school board at the April 19 board meeting.