Automated cameras have are online in four more Youngstown school zones beginning Monday.

The Youngstown Police Department announced that the city’s Automated Traffic Enforcement Speed Device program has been expanded to include four additional schools.

An initial 30-day warning period begins Monday, March 13 at the four new schools. During the 30-day warning period, violators will receive a warning in the mail that carries no fine.

After the warning period has expired on April 13, violators will receive a citation in the mail. This violation is a civil violation and is not considered a traffic violation.

When ticketing does begin, offenders will not receive points on their driver’s license, and it will not be reported the driver’s insurance.

The automated speed zone will only be enforced on school days at the following locations:

  • Horizon Science Academy on Southern Blvd. Enforcement starts at 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Chaney High School on Overlook Dr. Enforcement starts at 6:45 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Chaney Middle School on S. Schenley Ave. Enforcement starts at 7:15 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Summit Academy on Oakwood Ave. Enforcement starts at 6:45 AM - 6:00 PM

Restricted 20 MPH times are posted on a sign before entering every school zone. During non-restricted times, the regularly posted speed limit will be photo enforced when school is in session and children are present until 6:00 PM.

Police say the initial group of schools already launched have experienced reductions in speed between 81-93% at participating schools.