Youngstown man has Wednesday court date for deadly Warren arson

One of the suspects in a Warren arson has been returned to Trumbull County to face trial for the death of 16-year-old Chassidy Broadstone.
After waiving extradition from Richmond, Virginia, 23-year-old Zackary Gurd was booked into the Trumbull County Jail Sunday night.
He's set to be arraigned Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in front of Judge Cynthia Rice.
According to Warren Police, Gurd is one of three suspects in the arson and is accused of bringing a can of gasoline into the home, which is believed to have started the deadly fire.
A warrant was issued for Gurd's arrest on February 9.
U.S. Marshals arrested Gurd less than 24 hours after he fled home by bus to Richmond, Virginia, where he was soon found fleeing on foot.
Gurd, along with Brendan Daviduk and Patricia Zarlingo are charged with aggravated murder, attempted murder, arson, burglary, and tampering with evidence.