Contaminated soil from East Palestine train derailment heading for Michigan

The process of removing contaminated soil from the East Palestine train derailment site has began on Thursday.
According to a press release from Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine's press office, the soil is being moved to U.S. Ecology Wayne Disposal, a hazardous waste disposal facility in Belleville, Michigan, a community between Detroit and Ann Arbor.
So far, over 4,800 cubic yards of soil has been excavated from the ground and more may be removed as cleanup continues.
When the process begins to dig up the train tracks and remove the soil underneath, the soil will immediately be hauled away to a proper disposal facility.
In addition, a total of 1,715,433 gallons of contaminated liquid have been removed from the derailment site. So far, 1,133,933 gallons have been hauled off site and hare headed for Texas Molecular, a waste disposal facility in Deer Park, Texas.
A smaller amount of waste was dropped off at Vickery Environmental in Sandusky County, Ohio.