Child career fair to introduce children to the opportunities in skilled trades, Canfield - OH

With labor shortages in the skilled trades and 2.1 Million jobs across Ohio projected to be unfilled by 2030, there is an effort underway to introduce young children to a variety of jobs so the children of today can obtain good paying jobs in the future without the high costs of college.
That study which found 2.1 Million manufacturing jobs could be unfilled was by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute.
So parents were invited to bring kids to a career day so kids could be exposed to various jobs in the new manufacturing sector and learn about opportunities that will be available in the future.
"At the school we have 20 different programs, manufacturing, welding, construction, cosmetology. There's a need in this area for manufacturers, welders, auto technicians," MCCTC Marketing Coordinator Jessica Cene said.
That's why the Mahoning County Career teamed up with Valley Stem, and City Machine Technologies. They invited businesses to take part in the Kids Career Fair to build interest in young children in the Ohio's top job creating industries.
"We are always looking for machinists and mechanics. By machinists and mechanics that does not mean you have to go to school. You can get a certification, or you can be a backyard mechanic and we really try to promote you. You don't really need to go t college for a really rewarding career, with good benefits," Vice President of City Machine Technologies Claudia Kovach said.
Machine Technologies, Inc. operates an industrial repair shop where employees repair motors, generators, equipment for heavy industry, steel mills, public utility companies and more.
"My mom always said there was a job for everyone and there really is. ... We are just trying to showcase all the good jobs that are available in the area and February is Career and Technical Month. We want to showcase that you can do without a college degree," said Kovach
MCTCT asked the businesses to bring hands on activities during this event held during Career and Technical Schools Month.
The businesses here point out jobs in the skilled trades, such as welding, HVAC, machinist, veterinary technician, cosmetologist or barber will always be needed in every community, city and state. They are jobs that pay well and can't be shipped overseas.