The Catholic Diocese of Youngstown has a new look.

The new logo was unveiled Thursday and represents its historical coat of arms with updated styling and rendering.

Each diocese has a coat of arms that reflects the Church as a whole and the local diocesan church. The coat of arms for the Diocese of Youngstown features a field of green, a color symbolizing hope. The green field has a bar across it to represent the Mahoning River. Water is a symbol of baptism in Christianity.

Other features included in the new logo include two green arrowheads to honor the Native Americans who first inhabited the Youngstown area and a green cross pommetté taken from the arms of the Diocese of Cleveland, which the Youngstown area was part of until 1943.

A golden dove is also included in the logo to represent Saint Columba and is also taken from the arms of Pope Pius XII, who created the diocese. A final feature is a golden anvil to symbolize the industrial history of northeast Ohio.

"I'm excited that a collaborative and extensive process has given us a new logo. It is fitting that we have a brand that is rooted in our history, ensuring continuity to our rich past as we forge into the future," Bishop David Bonnar said.

Bishop Bonnar's own coat of arms includes the Coat of Arms for the Diocese of Youngstown.

The diocese's updated branding was done through a partnership with 898 Marketing.