Man cut, two arrested after domestic argument at Girard home

A Girard couple are in the Trumbull County Jail after police were called to investigate a reported stabbing at their home early Tuesday.
Heather Pennachio, 29, and Tyler Ohl, 28, were arrested at their South Market Street home on charges of domestic violence.
Officers called to the home say Ohl had a cut on his hand and the home was in disarray with blood, kitchen items, and food strewn around the kitchen, living room, and hall.
According to a police report, Pennachio claimed that the two were arguing about a traffic ticket when she threatened to leave the home with her five children.
Pennachio told officers that Ohl kicked her in the stomach and slammed her against the refrigerator, grabbing a kitchen knife and threatening to kill her if she took the children.
Ohl claims Pennachio got angry with him, struck him in the face, adding that he cut his hand when Pennachio tried to grab a knife being stored in a glass vase.
The police report says an ambulance crew treated the cut on Ohl’s hand.
The children, ages three through eight, were turned over to the care of a relative.