YSU celebrates opening of new Watson Team Center on campus

Youngstown State University celebrated the opening of the new Frank and Norma Watson Team Center on campus Friday.
The facility is located on Rayen Avenue and is designed to better prepare YSU engineering teams for regional, national and international competitions.
YSU President, Jim Tressel says the new facility will provide "cutting edge resources" for the university's engineering and technology students who represent these competitions.
"It's yet another example of YSU's commitment to our students' success both inside and outside the classroom," Tressel said.
The center is named after the late Frank and Norma Watson, who have supported the university for over 70 years including a $1 million gift in 2016. The Watsons are the parents of President Tressel's wife.
The center will house YSU's nine student-led teams including the Baja Car, Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe competition squads.