A new independent analysis of Youngstown State University's finances claims there's no need for further instructional cuts.

According to a release from the YSU-OEA, the union representing faculty at the university, an independent analysis of YSU's finances was done by Dr. Howard Bunsis, a professor of accounting at Eastern Michigan University.

The independent analysis was commissioned by the YSU-OEA.

Dr. Bunsis found YSU as being in "good financial condition, with solid cash flows and reserves."

President of the YSU-OEA Mark Vopat said the university has approximately $90 million, modest debt levels, a stable bond rating and increasing state support.

In 2021, YSU closed programs and laid off faculty and in September 2022, 11 departments were put on notice that another round of closures and layoffs could be made in the future.

Included in the 2021 program closures were Gerontology, Italian, Religious Studies, Music Theory, Dance Management and French. Nine faculty members were laid off during that time.

“We are hearing from faculty on campus that some lecturers have been non-renewed this past week and that admission to some programs has been suspended,” Cryshanna Jackson, YSU-OEA Spokesperson, said.

Bunsis' financial analysis found that instructional spending at YSU is budgeted to decline by $3.8 million in 2023 after declining by $3.5 million in 2022.

Jackson says that's more than needs to be cut from teaching and instruction.

Dr. Bunsis' financial analysis has been submitted to YSU's Academic Senate ahead of their meeting Wednesday evening.

“We hope this analysis sparks conversation on campus and in the community about YSU’s misaligned budget priorities and whether the ongoing cuts to programs and faculty, instead of other areas of the budget, are really in YSU’s best interest. We think that Bunsis’ presentation points to the conclusion that YSU is cutting instruction first and foremost, when that is the last thing a university should be cutting,” Jackson said.