Where’s my WRTA bus? There’s an app for that

An app that puts WRTA bus schedules at the touch of an icon on your mobile phone has a new feature that can show you where your bus is right now and send you an alert when it’s time to get off at your stop.
Mobility service solutions provider Moovit announced that Youngstown is among 220 cities around the world where a Live Location feature that allows the user to follow their transit line’s movements on a map in real time.
Available on IOS and Android, riders can also see when the signal was last received from the bus, and receive service alerts for that line, all in the same screen.
Live Location can be launched from every Moovit screen with the Action Bar, and is in addition to the real-time arrival countdown that Moovit displays in green.
To see where their line currently is, Moovit users can tap on the ‘Live Location” button on the Action Bar located at the bottom of the Itinerary, Line Details, or Station Details screens
A map will open and an icon will be displayed moving across the map, allowing the user to follow the vehicle’s movements in real-time once it departs along its journey
“A key part of planning your trip and traveling with peace of mind is knowing when the bus will reach the station you’re waiting at,” said Yovav Meydad, Moovit’s Chief Growth and Marketing Officer. “This new Live Location feature ensures that transit riders have access to an additional layer of reliable information on route progress.”
Once a user selects a route, they can click on “Start” to enter the Live Directions screen where they will be provided with step-by-step navigational instructions.
Users can choose to turn on “Get off alerts”, to be notified before it’s time to deboard at the right stop.
Additionally, Moovit’s Way Finder feature uses augmented reality to place digital directions on top of the camera view to make it even easier to locate correct stations, underground entrances, and provide overall extra guidance.
Moovit (www.moovit.com) amasses up to six billion anonymous data points a day to add to the world’s largest repository of transit and urban mobility data. For governments, cities, transit agencies, and private companies,