Ohio Attorney General, Dave Yost is welcoming Youngstown into the national "Do the Write Thing" program.

The national program asks middle school students to explain how youth violence affects them and share their ideas about how to stop it.

Yost's office launched the program in Ohio two years ago in Springfield. Since then, it's expanded to Canton, Lima, Zanesville and now Youngstown.

Do the Write Thing challenges students to express in a story, poem, song or other written form the violence they've seen or experienced with emphasis on exploring the following questions:

- How does violence affect your daily life?

- What are some of the causes of youth violence in your community?

- What can you do as an individual to reduce violence in your community

From there, local community members and business leaders will read submissions from seventh and eighth graders at Chaney Middle School. East Middle School and Rayen Early College Middle School and pick the top stories.

The winning entries will be published in a booklet and shared statewide to bring greater attention to the issue of violence.

Youngstown City School Superintendent, Justin Jennings says the Youngstown City School District is honored to be involved with the program and allow their students to share their experiences.

"Our scholars of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Their lived backgrounds will shape them and be integral to active participation in social change," Jennings said.