Years Ago | November 2nd
Interesting moments in our Valley's history are revisited with this daily trip back in time.
Tuesday, November 1st 2022, 6:17 PM EDT

Vindicator file photo / November 2, 1975 | About 400 people attended the Youngstown area Chamber of Commerce 68th annual dinner 49 years ago, including these wives of Chamber leaders and businessmen: seated, from left, Mrs. Melvin F. Ogram and Mrs. George Peterson; standing, Mrs. John J. McDonough, Mrs. Wesley O. Johnstone, Mrs. Charles B. Cushwa Jr., and Mrs. Charles B. Olds.
November 2
1997: Results are being seen from Sharon Regional Health System's decision to provide 30 external defibrillators to area police and firefighters. The units are reported to have been used 13 times and are credited with saving two lives since June.
A massive iron lung owned by Dr. John Melnick is on display in the library of the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine.
Machines like it were used in the 1940s and 1950s to keep polio victims alive before the introduction of the Salk vaccine made them obsolete.
The United Autoworkers-General Motors section of the "Walk of Pride" outside Stambaugh Stadium on the campus of Youngstown State University is dedicated. The UAW and GM bought 650 bricks in the walkway, generating more than $130,000 for the expansion of the stadium.
1982: The bribery and tax evasion trial of Mahoning County Sheriff James A. Traficant Jr. has been scheduled to begin Jan. 24, 1983, before Judge Ann Aldrich in U.S. District Court in Cleveland.
Mayor Geroge Vukovich, Law Director Edward Sobnosky, and former Finance Director John Benninger plead innocent in Youngstown Municipal Court to charges of dereliction of duty filed against them by Sheriff James A. Traficant Jr.
Mahoning, Trumbull, and Columbiana counties will end the year with jobless rates above 10 percent, the first time for Columbiana and the third for Mahoning and Trumbull.
1972: The Youngstown Federation of Teachers resumes its long-standing battle with the Youngstown Education Association by offering to help teachers whose complaints were turned down by the YEA.
Mahoning County Common Pleas Judge Sidney Rigelhaupt implies that he'll seek a grand jury investigation into Lima State Hospital authorities who refuse to admit a Youngstown 16-year-old accused of rape.
A black couple from Youngstown who are building a home at 1322 Hubbard-Coitsville Road believes that vandals had a racial motive in tearing down the concrete walls of the basement -- twice.
1947: Mayoral candidate Charles Henderson lists nine bookie joints that he says operate openly with the protection of Mayor Ralph O'Neill.
Coming to the Warner Theater, "That Hagan Girl" starring Ronald Reagan and Shirley Temple.
The Federated Churches of Youngstown give advice to all Protestant churches in the Youngstown area on how to help meet the world's desperate food shortage.