Years Ago | October 14th

Vindicator file photo / October 13, 1957 | A color guard of ROTC at Youngstown University led the parade 65 years ago that kicked off the Youngstown Community Chest campaign.
October 14
1997: Brian Brennan, president of the Association of Classified Employees at Youngstown State University, and G.L. Mears, YSU executive vice president, unveiled a plaque on YSU's Veterans Plaza honoring those who have served in the US. Military.
Backers of a Nov. 4 referendum to uphold a law revamping Ohio's workers' compensation system win an unexpected ally, Amish, who want to opt-out of the statewide plan for injured workers.
Lin Cochran, chairwoman of the Youngstown Edison Business Incubator, says 200 people are expected at a "Grassroots Resurgence" meeting to work on plans for downtown Youngstown revitalization.
1982: More than 100 policemen fan out over Youngstown and its suburbs, serving 150 warrants in what is the largest round-up of suspected drug pushers in the area.
Club-wielding Warren police break up what they described as a riot by supporters of striking employees of Trumbull Memorial Hospital.
Mahoning County Sheriff James A. Traficant Jr. displays betting slips and money confiscated by his deputies in a raid on Mico's Dairy in Campbell. Mayor Rocco Mico was charged with operating a gambling house.
1972: Wean United Inc. books a rolling mill machinery order valued at more than $6 million from USINOR of France, one of Europe's largest steelmakers.
U.S. Rep. Joseph Vigorito, D-Erie, says he has garnered support from Pennsylvania Gov. Milton Shapp and the 24-member Pennsylvania congressional delegation in his drive for a stub canal on the Mahoning River from Leavittsburg to the Beaver River.
Dr. Margaret Mead, noted anthropologist and authority on culture and human behavior, speaks to an overflow crowd at Stambaugh Auditorium and predicts that Americans will move toward a more family-centered lifestyle in response to an environmental crisis. She likens the response to that of Americans during wartime.
1947: Youngstown area bakers are considering an increase that would add 1 cent to the 15-cent price of a loaf of bread.
A group of East Side Youngstown residents allege that bulldozers and trucks are being used on the weekends to grade the grounds of the privately owned Pietrabondantesi Club.
Voters must approve a proposed war memorial stadium and civic center before a site for the project is chosen.