Groundbreaking set for Monday for new plaza in Boardman

The southwest corner of the busy intersection in Boardman once housed a McDonald's - with several other businesses still surrounding it.
When the McDonald's moved across the street, Valley entrepreneur and developer Terrill Vidale saw potential for prosperity.
"This has been something that's been in the works for 18 months," says his wife Ashley. Friday, she told us about his plans for the "Prosper Centre", now that he's taken over the vacant lot. Anchoring it will be her business - Sapphire Aesthetics and Wellness, which right now sits a mile or so west on Route 224.
"We're really excited to start this whole endeavor," she says. "We're expanding our services and our space based on client demand."
Sapphire will triple its current space and add an array of new services including IV infusions and cool sculpting.
The Vidales see it as a one stop shop for anyone seeking a little tender loving self-care.
"We're looking at bringing on masseuses, estheticians, different nursing services we can offer. We really like to focus on all things wellness," said Vidale.
The plaza - which sits on a site with no stormwater detention currently - will also be tailored to helping curb flooding problems in Boardman.
Township administrator Jason Loree tells 21 News the plaza will abide by new county criteria, which is for a 100-year storm.
There will be underground stormwater detention with additional greenspace in the future.
"We've been working on this very hard and diligently to make sure we cross our Ts and dot our Is," Vidale said.
Groundbreaking is this Monday, October 10.
Many county and state officials will be on hand.
The plaza is expected to be finished by Spring of 2023.