At Wednesday's Youngstown City Council meeting, close to $400k in American Rescue Plan funds were approved to go to a variety of improvement projects for different wards in the city.

These funds will go towards implementing art projects downtown, sidewalk improvements along Glenwood Avenue, and providing a Quality of Life & Property Maintenance ambassador for Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation.

Councilwoman Basia Adamczak told 21 News quality of life concerns are on the rise in her 7th ward and there are currently only 4 code enforcement workers for the entire city.

"With the $2 million we set aside for each ward, I think it's great to do it that way because we know what our individual needs are for our constituents and for our businesses and all the stakeholders in the ward," Adamczak said. "So now we can tailor it specifically to those needs."

The project provides $146k for the ward projects. Councilwoman Turner voted against the ordinance because she said she "wants more clarity." Councilwoman Davis voted in favor of the ordinance, but did not agree with the cost. 

This ordinance now moves to the Board of Control to then enter into an agreement with YNDC before the project comes to fruition.

Also passed Wednesday, council approved the emergency spending for cleanup at 20 Federal Place after a sewer line broke, costing the city $95k. 

YPD will also welcome a new K-9 to their team. An ordinance appropriated $20k to purchase the canine and handler training. 

Several approved ordinances also included the demolition, lawn care, abatement, and boarding of several buildings in disrepair.

Council voted to deny a distance waiver from several Family Dollar Stores to establish a regulated use of alcohol sales within a 500-radius of surrounding businesses.