Seaborn Elementary School in Mineral Ridge named 'Blue Ribbon School'


Multiple schools in the Mahoning Valley were named as "Blue Ribbon Schools" on Friday. One of these schools was Seaborn Elementary School in Mineral Ridge.

The National Blue Ribbon Schools Award was created 40 years ago in 1982 to bring public attention to the best schools in the country and to facilitate communication and sharing of the best practices within and among public schools.

Seaborn Elementary was nominated as an "Exemplary High Performing School" meaning it has some of Ohio's highest achieving students in English and mathematics as measured by state assessments.

"It really shows that all the work and all those ideas have come into fruition. I couldn't be more proud of everybody that has done the hard work to be able to pull this off," said Weathersfield Local School District Superintendent, Damon Dohar.

Seaborn Elementary School Principal TJ Koniowsky says it was a team effort that allowed the school to gain this recognition and highlighted how eager the students are to learn.

"Anyone who would want to come on the last day to see our 6th graders, they're crying because they don't want to leave. And that's what we strive for, a good experience, as best we can here in Seaborn," Koniowsky said.

Canfield Middle School and South Range Elementary School also received recognition. These three schools, along with all other winners will be honored at an awards ceremony in Washington D.C. in November.

Winners will receive a plaque and flag to signify their exemplary status.


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