The highly anticipated podcast that dives into the history of the mob and the complex story of Jim Traficant is shooting up the ranks, currently top ten in the world.

As Oscar-nominated producer Marc Smerling puts it --- Crooked City dives into the deep crime history of Youngstown.

"Everything from James Traficant, sheriff turned congressman.  Bob Kroner, the FBI Agent who spent his life trying to eradicate the mob from Youngstown.", said Smerling.

Smerling's podcast series also details the story of Amil Dinsio, who many still regard as the best bank burglar in U.S. history.

"Amil Dinsio and Phil Christopher tell the story of their heist.  They went after Nixon's money in Laguna Niguel, California.", Smerling explained, that pair also connected with Lenny Strollo and the mob.

Smerling says he was fascinated by the complex story of James Traficant, and his impact on past country leaders such as Donald Trump.

"They used division, dividing people as a political tool...they really fed to the anger of blue-collar workers who had lost their jobs.", Smerling added.

When asked what he believes will move the city forward, Marc tells 21 News that the answer is in the hands of the younger generation

"There's a whole campus of them at Youngstown State, there's a possibility of trying to keep those people in Youngstown, or in the Youngstown area.", Smerling says.

Marc referred to a painting of Traficant with a halo of his head at the Royal Oaks bar on the city's east side, as a symbol of what needs to happen.

"I hope that young people will embrace the city, and that portrait will become something that people will be like 'who is that', and we can leave this idea that Youngstown is a corrupt place where everybody has to pay to play.", Smerling concluded.