A Cortland woman has pleaded “not guilty” to charges filed after a Warren man claimed she pushed him off his bicycle and rode away.

Keysa Haynes, 53, was charged with robbery and possession of drug paraphernalia following her arrest on Monday.

A 40-year-old Warren man who waved down a police officer in the parking lot of the Riverview Apartments said that a woman shoved him off of his ten-speed, hopped on the bike a rode away.

When police spotted the bike on a sidewalk along Tod Avenue a few minutes later, a woman fitting a description of the suspect told the officer that the bike belonged to her.

According to the police report, the woman then got into a car, which started to pull away before the officer pulled it over.

Haynes was booked into the county jail and was arraigned on Tuesday.

Police say that Haynes was carrying a crack pipe when she was arrested.

She has another court hearing scheduled next week.