A Leetonia High School student is in custody after allegedly making a bomb threat that caused school to be cancelled Friday.

"It was a concerning statement on a homework assignment," said Superintendent Dennis Dunham. "Out of an abundance caution we cancelled the school day."

Leetonia Police Chief Allen Haueter tells 21 News that the alleged threat was made by a 9th grader through a French class assignment.

Police say while looking at the student's online assignment, the teacher noticed the word 'pipe bomb' covered up by a picture, and reported it.

Since the threat was discovered prior to the start of the school day, students on busses were returned home and all classes were cancelled. Graduation and other senior class activities were also postponed and moved to Saturday.

The 15-year-old student was taken into custody in the parking lot of the school prior to the school day. The Superintendent says police did not find any weapons or items of concern on the student.

The student was taken to the Louis Tobin Attention Center. He is charged with inducing panic and making terroristic threats, and is set to be arraigned Tuesday.