When tragedy struck Uvalde, it really hit home for the Lowellville community especially when three weeks prior, a student shot himself at Lowellville High School and later died. 

"Our town was affected so recently that i needed to do something," said Burton Baird, Lowellville resident.

Baird tells 21 News he wanted Uvalde to feel loved, so people have been signing messages of support on a customized banner just for Uvalde.

Baird says a Robb Elementary parent from Texas whose child had been shot and in the hospital, has heard about the expression of love and reached out, thanking the community.

"When he reached out it was like God put his hand on my shoulder and said, you know, you're doing this for the right reason," Baird said.

There are more than 200 signatures on the banner and counting, many of the messages of encouragement.

Supporters tell 21 News they don't want Uvalde to feel alone during this time.

"I hope they feel good and I hope they remember us and I hope they have a good life in heaven," said second-grade student, Patrick Durkin.

Other supporters mourn with Uvalde. "I brought my son to school, was I gonna be able to pick him up that day? When we got that call that there was a shooter at the school," said Harold Maleski of Lowellville. "My heart just bleeds for the people down there in Texas," he said.

Baird's message to the people of Uvalde, "Someone's there for you. Someone's there for you," he said. Baird plans to send the banner to Uvalde tomorrow.