The Ohio Department of Transportation has proposed a $1.4 million project which will focus on interchange improvements from U.S. Interstate 76 to Bailey Road in Jackson Township, and from Bailey Road onto I-76 onramps.

ODOT is seeking public comment on making exclusive left and right turn lanes at the end of the exit ramps and extending the existing north and southbound left-turn lanes on Bailey Road which would begin next summer.

The project includes other improvements such as traffic signal installations for the new exit ramp lanes, new pavement markings and new traffic signs. 

During the construction, the eastbound and westbound ramps will remain open to traffic, two lanes of traffic on I-76 will be maintained and all properties nearby will still be accessible.

ODOT is also seeking public comments regarding the social, environmental and economic impacts the project may have. According to ODOT's press release, "environmental impacts include those involving archaeological, architectural and ecological resources, regulated materials and the general location of the project."

ODOT is also requesting information about any nearby cultural resources, prehistoric and historic archaeological sites and historic bridges, buildings, landmarks and districts. 

Accompanying this proposal is the State Controlling Board's decision to provide funding to Jackson Township for roadwork improvements on Mahoning Avenue and Bailey Road.

The project, supported by State Representative Al Cutrona, will widen Mahoning Avenue by adding left turn lanes in the east-west direction to help accommodate the increased traffic volume when turning onto Bailey Road.

The current traffic signal will be upgraded to include the new turn lane.

For more information on the 2023 project, visit ODOT's website.