A 57-year-old Warren man who pleaded guilty after being accused of hitting and killing a cyclist on December 26 will spend the next ten days in jail.

Christopher Reynolds was sentenced by Judge Thomas P. Gysegem, who also ordered Mr. Reynolds to pay a $1,000 fine for his involvement in the death of Ronald J. Toth, who was riding his bike the night after Christmas when Mr. Reynolds failed to stop at a stop sign and flashing red light before hitting Toth. Toth later died at a hospital.

The sentence had first been set for 180 days but the court waived 170 of them.  Mr. Reynolds will also be on probation for at least three years along with a license suspension for at least two years, with certain driving privileges. 

Toth's sister asked the judge to sentenced Mr. Reynolds to five years. She said ten days was not enough for justice to be served. 

According to Judge Gysegem, Mr. Reynolds was negligent, but did not leave the scene, calling the incident "a case of bad driving."