Salem City Lake opens for the season this week
The Salem City Lake, also known as the East Cold Run Reservoir or Salem Reservoir, located off of Gamble Road, is opening for the 2022 season on Monday, April 11.
Salem Parks Director Shane Franks notes that the first day is a Monday and the lake is normally closed on Mondays, but this year's first day will be an exception.
The hours are 7 a.m. until dusk from April through August, then 8 a.m until dusk in September.
The closing date on brochures is Sept. 18.
Canoes and kayaks are welcome at the lake which is restricted to electric motors only for boats.
Families can enjoy fishing, boating, a picnic area and there's even a playground.
Refreshments are available in the bait house.
No state fishing license is required to fish at the city lake, but there is a daily fee of $5 per person 13 years and older or $4 for Golden Buckeye Card Holders.
The fee for children 12 and under is free.
Season passes are available for $50 for an individual, $45 for a Golden Buckeye Card Holder and $75 for a family.
The cost for a boat launch for all boats, canoes and kayaks is $5 (free with a season pass).
Daily equipment rentals are available for anyone 18 or older with a valid driver's license.
The cost for a boat or kayak, motor or battery is $5 each per hour, which includes oars, life jackets and anchor.
All people fishing must check-in and out daily with the lake attendant to report all fish caught.
Parents' Days are planned the first Sunday of the month during the 2022 fishing season, meaning parents who bring their children 12 and under to fish can fish for free themselves.