Cortland Lions Club, NEO Junk Removal to hold scrap metal fundraiser for 'Safety City'

Cortland Parks and Recreation are looking to build a "Safety City" for local children.
A Safety City is an interactive educational space meant to teach children a variety of safety topics and life skills where they can practice in a miniature, real-world setting.
The Safety City will be located in Pearl Park, which includes a splash pad, playground area and is a familiar environment to the target age group of preschool and early grade school children.
To support the project, the Cortland Lions Club partnered with Cortland-based company, Northeast Ohio Junk Removal to host a scrap metal items fundraiser on Friday, April 15 and Saturday, April 16.
The fundraising goal for the project is $45,000. Lou Wollam Chevrolet has already donated $15,000.
Lions Club members will be accepting scrap metal items at Willow Park in Cortland and large dumpsters will be located by the plastic recycling bins.
If you can't make the event at Willow Park on either day, NEO Junk Removal will be picking up metal scrap items from residents inside the Cortland city limits from your garage, driveway or outbuilding. Agents will not enter your home.
Acceptable items include (but are not limited to):
- Refrigerators
- Freezers
- Stoves
- Washers
- Dryers
- Lawnmowers
- Tractors
- Window air conditioners
- Copper and brass items
- Aluminum cans
- Wire
- Car batteries
- Pots
- Pans
- Bicycles
- Aluminum ladders
- Metal office furniture
- Metal sidings
- Wheel rims (without tires)
- Metal doors and frames
- Metal storage cabinets
- Rotillers
- Snow blowers
- Trampoline and swimming pool frames
- Disassembled swing sets
- Nails
- Pipe fittings
- Copper tubing
- Black pipes
Unacceptable items include:
- Microwaves
- Televisions
- Propane tanks
- Household trash
Note that NEO Junk and the Cortland Lions reserve the right to deny any item deemed dangerous or unrecyclable.