The Basketball Classic: Not for right reasons

The Basketball Classic is turning into a "classic" and not in a good way.
They never found the 32 teams to fill the tournament, a handful of programs said: "thanks but no thanks" when invited and at least one program cancelled their first-round game.
Since then the tournament has dropped the ball.
Early Thursday they posted on their website YSU would play at Wofford, Friday night at 7:00 pm. This comes after a Wednesday night game where the Penguins beat Morgan State. How could they get to South Carolina in less than 24 hours? That was an issue with YSU Athletic officials who contacted tournament officials.
Later Thursday it was posted the game at Wofford was scheduled for 2:00, Saturday. Still there were travel issues in trying to find flights & busses for the 30 member YSU travel party.
To their credit, neither Youngstown State nor Wofford ever officially announced the game.
21 Sports learned Friday morning the men's game at Wofford will not be played and the game has been removed from the website.
"We're waiting to hear from the basketball classic on the next game, date, and location," said YSU Executive Director of Athletics Ron Strollo.