Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County to offer iPad rentals

Valley residents can now rent and take home iPads from branches of the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County.
It's part of a project to bridge the digital divide in the Valley.
Starting Monday, the library will open reservations for the iPads. Those who reserve an iPad will be able to pick it up next week.
The rental program is free with a library card, and the iPads can be checked out for up to 21 days.
The iPads are the latest digital resource that the library offers. They have offered a free mobile WiFi hotspot program since 2016. Those hotspots were checked out 1,615 times over the course of 2021, signaling the need to expand the program.
The library received $170,000 in federal funds back in October to purchase the iPads, new mobile WiFi hotspots, and necessary data plans for patrons to use at home for free.
"We know that many in our community do not have access to the Internet, let alone the technology necessary to access the Internet," said Aimee Fifarek, PLYMC Executive Director and CEO. "The Library believes that connectivity equals opportunity, and our iPad rental program is yet another way that we are helping to close the local digital divide by providing more access and more opportunity for Valley residents to inspire and enrich their lives."