Columbiana Christmas tree to remain until February for film

Christmas may be over, but that's not stopping the City of Columbiana from keeping its Christmas tree up.
City Director, Lance Willard explains that the reason the tree remains up after Christmas is due to a movie that's being filmed in the area by the Valley's very own Josh Menning.
The film, titled "Christmas Angel" will star Karen Abercrombie, who also starred in the 2015 film, War Room. The film focuses on a town in which residents are not allowed to celebrate Christmas.
Willard says he understands that the town will get looks, but is happy for what this means for the city.
The tree will remain up until at least February 13 for filming purposes. Once the film is finished, it will be shown at the historic Main Street Theater, which was recently purchased by Beth and John Kufleitner.