'Weird' law in McDonald goes viral and dates back to 1919
A Tik Tok video that has been viewed more than 1 million times is gaining attention in the Village of McDonald.
The video highlights "weird laws" in the state. One of the laws mentioned in the video claims, "In McDonald your duck may not parade down Ohio Avenue."
It turns out the statement is accurate and that the village ordinance dates back to 1919.
According to McDonald's Office Manager Amy Cunningham the ordinance has been dubbed the "Goose Law" and was the first ordinance ever passed in the village. The ordinance was put in place on March 27, 1919 when James A. Freed was mayor.
The actual law does not list ducks specifically, or Ohio Avenue specifically, but instead lists a variety of animals and says they can not run loose anywhere in the village, that would include Ohio Avenue which is located at the center of town.
The ordinance says "a person or corporation being the owner or keeper of any horse, mule, cattle, sheep, goat, swine, dog or other animal, or any goose or other domestic fowl, shall not permit the game to run at large anywhere within the limits of the Village of McDonald, Ohio."
The ordinance says anyone found in violation of the law could be fined between $1 and $10.
Cunningham says the ordinance has never been removed from the books.
The law can be viewed here: