Valley customers have plenty of liquor choices for New Year's celebrations

It is a tradition nearly 2022 years strong: Celebrating New Year's Eve with alcohol.
As the new year will be cheered in throughout the world late on Friday night, customers throughout the Valley are purchasing a number of both traditional and atypical liquors to hold in hand when the clock strikes midnight.
Fans of classics like champagne or new alcohol trends should have no fear, there are a number of places where they can find their favorites.
In 1983 Al Franceshelli and his wife Carol opened A&C Beverage in Mahoning County. The couple would open up a new shop in downtown Youngstown in 2014. Almost 40 years since the birth of their small family business, Al is seeing customers feeling inclined to buy new drinks.
"Things have changed a lot," he said. "People still buy classics sparkling wine, but seltzers are selling like crazy, especially with the younger crowds. Champagne is still sold, but it isn't as popular as it used to be. I still think people want something to pop on New Year's Eve."
For those worried about availability, Franceshelli said there is nothing to worry about.
"New Years Day is clearly the biggest day of the year for us, and we are prepared," he said. "Even last year with the pandemic. I think people stayed in and partied a little harder. Our sales are actually way up, and New Year's will be the same. I think it helps that the holiday is on a Friday this year. People will make sure they have a good night."
Trumbull County residents have a place to get their New Year's Eve fix. Cork & Cap Bottle Shop and Tasting Room in Warren has been open for nearly a decade. Owner Nick Uroseva bought an old wine shop nearly a decade ago before transforming it into a gathering place with events and alcohol galore.
"We still sell lots of traditional things for New Year's," Uroseva said. "I think people like high-end cabernets because they will go home and make steak to celebrate. We still sell plenty of champagne this time of year too."
Uroseva understands the seltzer popularity too, but he has more premium kinds to try.
"I actually don't handle many of the 'run-of-the-mill' seltzers'," he said. Instead, I sell specialties including a milkshake seltzer. They can get pricey, but they are good."
As strange as that flavor may sound, Uroseva knows a thing or two about what customers want. He has worked in retail services as a store manager for about 50 years.
"This sounds weird too, but we have a pina colada seltzer with actual bits of pineapple in it. It's different but worth a try," he said.
Uroseva added that prices for most alcoholic beverages are in the same range as they typically would be despite the holiday.
Cork & Cap also holds plenty of community events. They are hosting a sold-out champagne tasting on New Year's Eve.
"We will close early, but this is a good event for people who want to get out but enjoy most of the night at home," said Uroseva.
As the clock ticks down on this year, Valley partygoers have options. From classic cabernets to pints of pineapple seltzer, the tradition looks poised to continue as it has for all these years.