Years Ago | November 11th
Interesting moments in our Valley's history are revisited with this daily trip back in time.
Thursday, November 11th 2021, 12:01 AM EST

Vindicator file photo / November 11, 1986 | Niles McKinley High School band member Don Rapp plays taps during a Veterans Day ceremony at Niles Union Cemetery 35 years ago. From left, the Rev. Donald Lefelar, Dr. W. M. Hammack, and Chaplain Harry Nichols.
November 11
1996: The Federal Highway Administration is reviewing Mill Creek Metropolitan Park District's proposed Mahoning Bikeway that would wind 12 miles through Austintown, Canfield City, and Canfield Township.
County commissioners in Stark, Trumbull, and Columbiana counties who have grappled with financial shortfalls in the past say Mahoning County residents are about to see painful cutbacks in services following a vote by county residents to repeal the sales tax.
The Mahoning County Joint Vocational School obtains two government surplus Vietnam-era Huey helicopters valued at $250,000 each for $5,000 for use in the aircraft mechanics program.
1981: A $3.2 million budget proposal by the Mahoning County Welfare Department would gobble up about a fourth of the county's 1982 income, complicating the job of finding money for other departments.
A clerk at Tiger's Paw Adult News store at 1011 Market Street, Youngstown, trades shots with a robber who fled the store with $40.
About 70 residents of Johnston Township in northern Trumbull County attend a trustees meeting, most of them to protest plans for an Atlas Energy saltwater disposal well near the intersection of Bridge Road and Route 5.
1971: The Joseph Horne Co., a major department store in Pittsburgh, will open a 130,000-square-foot store in the Southern Park Mall.
Wayne Hayes, the Belmont County Democratic congressman for 22 years, is the new chairman of the House Administration Committee. He describes himself as a man who abhors waste, sloth, inefficiency, errant behavior of any kind.
Youngstown City Council adopts the $11 million TOPICS program, a federally funded plan to improve 29 streets and intersections.
1946: A band of ministers in Steubenville asks Gov. Frank Lausche to aid their crusade to rid the city of gambling and prostitution.
Charles Lucas, executive secretary of the Cleveland Branch of the NAACP, speaking at the W. Federal Street YMCA, says racial segregation is the practice in a number of schools and recreation centers in Ohio.
About 375 dresses valued at $6,000 are taken in a burglary at the Zelman Dress Shop at 811 N. State St., Girard.