Newton Falls council says over three years the former law director Joseph Fritz and former city manager David Lynch spent on outside council for multiple lawsuits, a recall efforts, and other legal matters.

"That we know of there was $186,000 and none of that was ever brought to council," said Mayor Ken Kline."

Over $42,000 was spent to pay an outside law firm regarding the Bremeyer recall.
Over $32,000 was spent to pay an outside law firm in defense of the Lynch termination.
Over $20,000 was spent on outside attorneys on the Jim Luonuansuu referendum.
Over $20,000 on Lynch versus Luonuansuu.
Over $31,000 spent in relation to another recall were just some of the examples given.

After executive session council voted to fire or part ways with the city Law Director Joseph Fritz.

Mayor Kenny Kline says taxpayers should be outraged over other ridiculous spending when the city may have to  borrow around a half  million dollars for its general fund if it cant find savings. The general fund pays for police, fire , snow plowing and more.

"We had parties with ice sculptures, we had pictures that cost $8.000 from engineers of bridges that looked like they were going to be on the Simpsons or from Star Trek.

Mayor Kline says the city will implement checks and balances to make sure this doesn't happen again.

City officials, department heads, and vendors will need a purchase order in order to be paid for items they buy while the Interim City Manager Pam Priddy and other city officials work to lower expenses, and look for savings.

Meanwhile around three rows of people were at council supporting Police Chief Gene Fixler.

Earlier they were outside holding signs as a show of support.

They question if Fixler's suspension for 30 days is in retaliation for Newton Falls officers arresting a council member for alleged DUI.  They believe some council members believe they ought to be off limits from laws others must follow.

"The city manager has suspended our police chief without any real cause, just pending investigation," said Brad Cope.

"This town has been so ridden with drugs and he is out there cracking down. In two weeks Fixler and his officers were doing 7 to 10 drug busts a week," emphasized Rhonda Rushnok.

"Nobody's breaking into anybody's cars no more, nobody's in backyards breaking into sheds no more. This is due to Chief Fixler and his officers. Newton Falls has the best police department," added Brenda Persino.

Mayor Kline tells us Fixler was not suspended in retaliation.

He expects an investigation into all aspects of the police department will be known in around two weeks.