A steep, quirky pavement on Walnut Street has been closed for over a decade because of the lack of traffic and safety concerns for drivers but now, the city wants to turn it into a stairwell to make it pedestrian-friendly, just like the stairwell on Phelp's Street.

"A lot of the same features...the same lighting, same streetscape designs," Chuck Shasho, City Deputy Director of Public Works said. 

The staircase is just $250,000 of the $3-million estimated breakdown of the project.

Other costs include overall reconstruction of Walnut and surrounding roads, such as half a million for Walnut's roadway and $380,000 for pavement.

"We're going to do a reconstruction of Boardman Street between Walnut Street and Market Street," Shasho said, "and reconstruction of Walnut Street between Commerce Street and Front Street."

Some council members agree it's a good idea, but members said the project was not discussed with all of the council before introducing it and said with a price tag like this, not having insight beforehand slows down the process to consider stamping their vote on it.

"There was no supplemental information provided in terms of plans for the project," Fifth Ward Councilmember Lauren McNally said, "To do a bonus project downtown at a time when we're not investing anywhere else in the city... It's time to step back from downtown and start investing in the corridors in my opinion."

Shasho acknowledges the price tag is higher than usual but hopes it'll be cut in half pending approval of grants. Shasho said the idea of improving roads elsewhere is valid but feels they're taking a "balanced approach."

If City Council passes the ordinance in a second reading, Shasho said he predicts the project would be complete by spring of 2023.