Watchdog Follow-up: Family living in Austintown garage

A 21 News Watchdog follow-up investigates a potentially dangerous situation on Crum Road in Austintown.
We first told you back in February about zoning officials' concerns over a family living in uninhabitable conditions in a garage.
The woman living there, Pamela Grate, entered into a plea agreement in June, promising that neither she nor her family would remain there.
But after concerned neighbors contacted our newsroom, we checked with zoning, who told us they'd heard the same complaints but hadn't contacted the prosecutor’s office about them.
So we did.
Now, after reviewing the information from zoning, prosecutors say Grate must come back to court and prove she's not still living there, or face possible fines or jail time.
“There are places for her to go. There are enough social agencies in this county that can help support her and her son but she just won't take it,” said assistant prosecutor Ken Cardinal.
Cardinal says the case could take all the county's resources to get help for the animals and people inside, as well as make sure the property isn't a danger to neighbors.