A pot-bellied pig in Ravenna is getting a new lease on life after losing more than 200lbs and then having her excess skin surgically removed.

Officials at Happy Trails Animal Sanctuary say "Winnie"  has been at their facility for about a year. 

When the pot-bellied pig arrived she was "massively overweight" at about 420 lbs.

Lisa Kuhn, Donor Stewardship Coordinator with Happy Trails, says Winnie was so large that she had trouble walking and would instead scoot from one place to another.

The goal was for Winnie to start loosing weight but, Kuhn said Winnie was used to eating human sweets like "Pop-Tarts" and it was a fight to get her to eat a pig grain. So as a healthier compromise the facility fed Winnie canned Pumpkin, mixed with pig grain.

Fast forward one year, Kuhn said Winnie lost more than 200lbs and could easily walk. But, Winnie had excess skin that would drag on the ground that Winnie would step on.

Happy Trails consulted with Ohio State University and arranged to have the skin surgically removed. She had 10 extra inches of skin removed.

Winnie is now doing well and may soon be adopted.

Kuhn said, a healthy weight for a pot-bellied pig ranges from 74-200lbs. She said the situation with Winnie is not uncommon. She said it's easy for pot-bellied pigs to gain too much weight, but difficult for them to loose the extra pounds.

Winnie was rescued from a home in Cleveland where she lived as an indoor pig.

Happy Trails rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes criminally abused, neglected and abandoned farm animals. Happy Trails is located in Portage County but assists in the rescuing of animal throughout Northeast Ohio, including the Mahoning Valley.