Buhl park adds two AEDs

The Sharon Regional Medical Staff donated two automated external defibrillators, or as many people know them as AEDs.
The AED is a portable device that shocks the heart to help revive someone. Just last year in April, there was a person who went into cardiac arrest while playing pickleball. The staff at the park responded quickly and used the AED to save their life.
"The situation that occurred last year brought us an opportunity to where we can bring an AED to that part of the park and other parts of the park so if someone is in cardiac arrest; these devices are closer. It really does save lives," said David Shellenbarger, Chief Medical Officer at Sharon Regional Medical Center.
The park now has six total AEDs and they are located at the Pool, ranger vehicle, the casino, and the activity building. The two new ones will be placed at the pickleball courts and the golf course.