A woman spent Thursday morning in jail after police say they found her passed out in the living room of a Warren home while her seven-week-old baby was in a car seat on the kitchen floor.

Officers called to investigate a possible overdose at a home on the 1900 block of Thomas Road SE just after midnight say 30-year-old Alicia Jo Beckwith was barely breathing on a couch. They say she was unresponsive and starting to turn blue.

Police administered a dose of the opioid overdose reversal drug Narcan and called for a rescue squad.

In the home’s kitchen, police found Beckwith’s 7-week-old son in a car seat that was placed on the floor.

When Beckwith was revived, she told police that someone had stolen her purse.  Officers were told that several people fled the home before police arrived.

The report does not say why Beckwith, who lives in Ashtabula County, was at the home.

Her baby was turned over to the care of a relative.

Beckwith was scheduled for arraignment Thursday in Warren Municipal Court on a charge of child endangering.