The Memorial Day services that American Legion Post 177 put on will look very similar to last year.

The leadership of Post 177 decided to once again cancel this year's traditional Memorial Day services due to the continued restrictions caused by COVID-19 and uncertainty of any significant relaxation before the holiday.

Before the pandemic, the services would include a gathering at the Gazebo on the Village Green with a guest speaker and performances by Canfield High School's band. It would also include a march to the Canfield East Cemetery where the Post Rifle Squad would fire over the graves of veterans and a return to the War Vets Museum to recognize new names posted to the "Wall of Honor." Hundreds would typically attend the services. 

The plan this year is that the post will conduct a limited service at the Canfield East Cemetery open to post members and immediate family members.

The names below will be posted on the "Wall of Honor" this year, and these veterans will be formally recognized at the 2022 Memorial Day Services:

Frank Koczwara, US Army, WWII
Michael Koczwara, US Army, WWII
Stanley Koczwara, US Army, WWII
Thomas Koczwara, US Army, WWII
George Rockwell, USMC, WWII

Post 177 will record the cemetery services and post them on social media.