The Ohio Attorney General's Office has released statistics on the number of concealed carry permits (CCW) given out by the state last year.

Ohio saw an increase in the number of concealed carry permits from 2019 to 2020.

96,892 new CCWs were issued in the Buckeye state in 2020, up 78% over 2019's total of 54,426.

Mahoning County ranked tenth in new licenses with 2,360 issued, up more than 1,000 over 2019.

Renewals were down more than 5,000 compared to 2019. Statistics released by the Attorney General's Office show 72,340 renewals in 2020. Reports from 2019 show 77,959 renewals.

Liscense suspensions are also down over last year by more than 300. 1,618 suspensions were reported in 2020.

Only 429 CCWs were revoked in 2020, down from the 939 reported in 2019. Of the 429, 39 were in Mahoning County.

When combining renewals and new CCWs, Ohio reported 169,232 total permits.