Nine families in Austintown may have a merrier holiday thanks to police officers, local businesses, and the school district.

The Austintown F.O.P. Lodge #126 teamed up with Austintown Schools and local businesses to provide Christmas gifts to 32 children in 9 local families, including one family that hadn’t had a refrigerator since mid-summer.

The Austintown Officers raised money by extending No Shave November into the month of December and paying an additional $25 for the privilege of keeping their facial hair.  The F.O.P. then matched the funds raised. 

That money along with funds collected from other individuals and local businesses including Walmart, Home Depot, Game Stop and American Towing was used to buy the gifts.

Home Depot donated a refrigerator to a family with two children. The family had no refrigerator since July.

The guidance counselors at the Austintown Schools made recommendations for families that would benefit from assistance.  

Officers then shopped for the toys, clothes, and other items on the kids’ Christmas lists. Officers and other employees came in early, stayed late, and used their lunch breaks to help sort and wrap the presents.

 All the gifts were wrapped, bagged, and are ready to be delivered to the families this week.