Although in state-declared fiscal emergency since February 2019, the financial picture for the Niles City School District continues its path of improvement, according to one of its fiscal supervisors.

Nita Hendryx, one of two supervisors appointed by the state auditor’s office for the district, described the general fund of $3.776 million in “wonderful balance” during Monday’s meeting of the fiscal commission responsible for oversight of the district’s financial recovery. “It’s doing great,” she told the commission. “They’re working hard to curtail expenditures.”

Hendryx cited other cost-cutting measures by the district including early retirement incentives and “significant savings” in healthcare costs. Hendryx also emphsized the state’s Student Wellness and Success Funds as important contributing factors in the district’s brighter financial picture.

According to figures provided by the Ohio Department of Education, Niles City Schools received more than $552,000 in wellness funds the previous fiscal year and is scheduled to receive more than $796,000 in the current 2020-2021 Fiscal Year. Treasurer Rhonda Amorganos said the district has its fingers crossed that wellness funding will continue.

We hope it stays in the governor’s biennium budget and that we get it next year,” Amorganos told 21 News after the meeting. However, she said any decision will likely be dependent upon progress in combatting Covid-19. “We’re in the middle of a pandemic,” Amorganos said.

Last month, the treasurer predicted the district could be released from fiscal emergency by next summer if the finances continue as projected. “We’re hoping,” she said.