Small Business Saturday sales down due stay at home recommendation

The official holiday shopping season is underway, but in Pennsylvania a recommended stay at home order, except for essentials, this year had put a damper on Small Business Saturday in the Shenango Valley.
Christmas music downtown Sharon put shoppers in a holiday spirit. The road normally closed to traffic was open in a scaled down Shop Small Business Saturday.
The Chamber of Commerce and business owners all say now more than ever important to shop small across the Shenango Valley.
Sheriss Moriera Executive Director of the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce said, "We always say shopping local is important because it puts money back into the community, but this is a year where shopping local and supporting local might help make the decision for some businesses to stay open."
Restaurants like Donna's Diner has adapted to multiple state mandates, from closings to delivery and take out only, to opening at 25 then 50 percent capacity. General Manager at Donna's Diner Laura Ackley said, "We had a good summer because we have such a beautiful patio by the river for outdoor dining. There have been many mandates. Prior to Saint Patrick's Day we had to close for months, then we were only allowed to do curbside pick up and deliver, next we were allowed 25 percent capacity and now 50 percent capacity. We are still doing delivery and curbside pick up which you can get right through our website. Right now it's fabulous. The menu is right there, and you click on the delivery Donna' , it was a real learning curve for us."
The Emerald Tablet downtown Sharon Elana Butler told WFMJ news their business is offering people who call and make a request for video shopping opportunities to buy tapestries, clothing, books, incense and hand made items. Odin Smith the owner said, "We sell all natural gemstone jewelry, gold, and silver we make ourselves here. We have hundreds of teas and herbs, all natural organics. We like to sell home made items."
Elected state and city leaders and customers give more reasons to shop small.
State Representative Mark Longietti said, "It's a wonderful opportunity if you want to pick up something for Christmas or a special gift, there are some unique retailers here that have just what your looking for."
Sharon councilman Carl Sizer added, "It's time to show support for businesses that support our communities. Local small businesses they're the businesses that support local organizations, sponsor events, donate items if there are drives or fundraisers."
Katie Miller added, "Especially with COVID small businesses have been hit so hard. Small businesses have some really unique items you might not be able to find on line. No matter what Amazon and Wal Mart are still going to make money at the end of the day, if you support a small business then your helping support someone's livelihood."
Longietti added, "Small business Saturday is not really just one day a year, it is a number of days leading up to the Christmas holiday, and extends into the New Year."
Business owners say people can buy gift certificates from local small businesses to give as gifts, or they can check on line for website sales, or call and check out curbside pick up options.