21 News anchor Derek Steyer tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

Derek's symptoms started innocently enough, experiencing a slight headache Friday night and developing into late Sunday with some body aches and sinus congestion persisting.

"I chalked it up to sinus and allergy pressure," said Derek.

Derek said his son had gone through similar problems the week before and had tested negative for the virus.

"My son had had these issues for about two weeks and I thought he gave it to me."

Given that Ohio and the nation are in the midst of the worst stretch of Coronavirus infection, Derek rightly decided to cover all the bases.

Early Tuesday Derek decided to be tested after his primary care physician said more people had been coming in with sinus issues and testing positive for COVID-19.

After taking a rapid PCR COVID-19 test the results came back positive.

Derek is still experiencing mild symptoms like headaches and sinus congestion but has not experienced more common symptoms like fever and loss of taste or smell.

One thing that's hampered both the public's and doctors' knowledge about COVID 19 is its ability to present in many different ways with different patients.

Doctors say there are better therapeutics from when the pandemic first began and have made more of the cases in recent weeks milder overall.

But that's no reason to ignore how serious a phase of the pandemic the country is in now.

Everyone in the 21 newsroom wears masks actively when inside and when out on assignment.

"I'm always masked up, other than when I'm in my own office."

Derek will be quarantined for the next 14 days.