Historic number of votes expected to be cast in PA
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf held a news conference Thursday afternoon to discuss voters' ballots for the upcoming election.
Wolf said that Pennsylvania is expecting a historic number of votes to be cast.
Over nine million people have already registered with more than three million ballots by mail.
As of Thursday morning, 2.1 million Pennslyvians have had their ballots uploaded.
"When you go to vote on election night, we encourage voters to wear a mask, social distance, and if you can bring your own pen. A blue or black pen would be preferred," said Wolf.
Secretary of Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar was also at the meeting.
Both Boockvar and Wolf emphasized to have a plan when voting.
If you plan to send in an absentee ballot, they emphasized to vote now and said that your vote will be counted and safe.
Boockvar said," Join the other 2.1 million voters that have already cast their ballots. Go out and vote today, hand in your vote, don't trust the U.S postal service today".
Polls will be open on election day from 7 a.m to 8 p.m.
November 23 is when officially certified ballots are due.
One week after the election un-official ballots are due.