Free curbside mask and hand sanitizer giveaway in Warren Thursday
Inspiring Minds and MedL are teaming up to give masks and hand sanitizer away today in Warren
Thursday, October 29th 2020, 10:27 AM EDT
In preparation for the next wave of COVID-19, Inspiring Minds and MedLab International have partnered up for a free community PPE supply giveaway.
It will begin today at 4:30 at Inspiring minds Headquarters
837 Woodland St. NE, Warren, OH 44483
IM headquarters will give out up to 25,000 ASTM level 3 masks and hand sanitizer to local community organizations, churches, groups, individuals, and families.
All supplies are high-quality, made in American, and safe to use.
Visitors will be able to "drive-thru" the IM Headquarters parking lot and safely pick up
supplies without ever leaving their car.
The goal of the giveaway is to reach the area's most vulnerable and in-need populations
and help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Valley.
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