The Division of State Fire Marshal's Fire and Explosion Investigation Bureau is investigating an explosion that killed one woman and injured three others in Ohio's Mercer County.

The explosion happened Sunday around 6 p.m. on the 3700 block of County Road just south of the village of Montezuma.

According to the release, the Montezuma Fire Department found a single-story home had been destroyed with fire coming from the west side of the basement.

72-year-old Rosie McClurg was killed in the explosion and three other people living next door were injured by falling debris.

The origin and cause of the explosion are under investigation but investigators did find an unknown amount of propane gas was released inside the home.

"It's already starting to get colder, which means more and more people are going to start using propane and firing up their furnaces for the first time," said State Fire Marshal Kevin S. Reardon.