The U.S. government released a new updated plan on September 16 that lays out how the COVID-19 vaccine will be released. The new plan would make vaccines available for all Americans gradually, free of charge, within 24 hours of FDA approval.

"It appears that it's a 3-fold rollout," Dr. Virginia Banks, of the Northeast Ohio Infectious Disease Associates, said. "The first rollout will be only limited distribution; The second part of the rollout will be more widely distributed vaccine to doctors, pharmacies and so forth, and the third phase will be, again, continued distribution of the vaccine."

As of now, for two of the vaccines, individuals would need two doses, 21 to 28 days apart, and the doses must be from the same manufacturer. 

"Getting a brand new vaccine no one has had is going to take a lot more logistics," Dr. James Kravec, Chief Clinical Officer of Mercy Health, said, "Maybe screening sites set up, maybe other locations people need to go for the vaccine...The fact there are two doses could add complexity to the matter."

It will be up to the local health departments to decide on an exact distribution process. Health departments in the Valley said they have protocols in place they used for mass vaccinations and disasters in the past, but they'll be reviewing those plans to meet the demands of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Banks said she has been studying the vaccine stages and as far as skepticism, she said, "Let's listen to the data...Let's listen to the science, and let's listen to the scientists. I'm hoping the data says it is effective in more than 50 percent of the population and that it's safe."

She said data is likely to be released in late October after frontrunning vaccine companies finish clinical trials.