Should local health departments be able to override state pandemic mandates?
A battle could be brewing in Columbus over just who should be able to override pandemic mandates by the state.
We went to Four Seasons Flea Market and invited folks at a flea market to join in on the debate over state versus local control. Maggie Lorenzi said, "The Youngstown Health Department has been going above and beyond to help keep people safe during this pandemic even on weekends. Every Sunday passing out over 300 masks to people that didn't have them on we figure that's our part, and but health department has been wonderful in supplying the masks so we can do this." The Health department also talked with vendors about mandated safety measure Bennie Greene has been selling goods at Four Seasons for 15 years. Green said, "It's very important, it's good for safety of your health."
A bill sponsored by two Ohio senators would allow local health departments to override the state health department orders for business closings and mask mandates. It's a change some gyms, businesses, and churches would like to see since protests continued, yet businesses were mandated to close to help stop mass spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Five Star Pickles and Sausage sells home made cheese, kielbasa, elk, bison and venison at the market. Michael Nawaleniec said, "It doesn't matter to me who issues the orders. I'm dealing with their food, so I want the people to get the healthiest, safest, products around so I can't do that if I'm not abiding by health department rules. They have a portable hand washing station right there and samples are pre-wrapped."
But some will not follow mandates by either the local or state government. Lorenzi said, "A woman told me today that she didn't want a mask from the health department because she knows they are trying to poison her. They do keep you laughing or the ones who say it's their constitutional right. I think it's also their constitutional right to be fined if they're caught. Most people wear a mask just to think about others to be a good neighbor."